Category: Blue Star Transmissions

  • Voices of Reason and the 40 Year Arc

    The Blue Star Transmissions ~ Blue Star the Pleiadian ~ ~ Voices of Reason and the 40 Year Arc ~ 2-25 to 4-25-2016 (Transmitted to Celestial Blue Star by her father Blue Star) Greetings everyone, it is time again for us to have our GATHERING as I share with you ones what the Luminescent of…

  • The Double-Edged Sword that accompanies the Gift of Life

    The Blue Star Transmissions ~Blue Star the Pleiadian~ “The Double-Edged Sword that accompanies the Gift of Life” 12-25 to 2-25-2016 (Blue Star’s Christmas Gift for YOU this year is … Homework!!) (Transmitted to Celestial Blue Star) Greetings to all Advocates; especially to all Winter People among you ones. Now, as I watch over you one…

  • Do you See what I see? Are you looking behind the scenes? Do you want to have the KNOWing or do you prefer the NOing?

    Blue Star Transmissions ~Blue Star the Pleiadian~ Do You See what I see? Are you looking behind the scenes? Do you want to have the KNOWing or do you prefer the NOing? 10-25 to 12-25-2015 (Transmitted to Celestial Blue Star) Greetings fellow Advocates; ok we shall get right to it now, there is no “time”…

  • Captive Mentalities and The Chameleon Effect

    The Blue Star Transmissions ~ Blue Star the Pleiadian ~ Captive Mentalities And The Chameleon Effect 8-25 to 10-25-2015 (Transmitted to Celest by her father Blue Star) Greetings and salutations to all of you Advocates for Justice! I must begin by telling you ones how proud all of us are of all the true work…

  • When Prophecies collide with Illusionary Realities

    The Blue Star Transmissions ~Blue Star the Pleiadian~ When Prophecies collide with Illusionary Realities (Transmitted to Celest from Blue Star) 6-25 to 8-25-2015 Greetings to all of you, especially all who are Advocates for TRUE justice. Now, it has long been held that people can make the most or the least of their KNOWN realities.…

  • Strengths and Weaknesses

    The Blue Star Transmissions ~Blue Star the Pleiadian~  “Strengths and Weaknesses” 4-25 to 6-25-2015 (Transmitted to Celestial Blue Star) … Greetings to all of you, I am Blue Star, I AM that I am. Now, oftentimes many discussions you ones each have with one another as well as the discussions you weave within your own…

  • Deciphering your Codes

    The Blue Star Transmissions ~Blue Star the Pleiadian~ “Deciphering your Codes” 2-25 to 4-25-2015 (Transmitted to Celest) Greetings Planetizens and Earth Seeds alike; today I wish to discuss a topic with you ones that seems to be causing some consternation with many peoples among you. Now, you are each always being sent certain codes that…

  • “Attaining higher Levels of Consciousnesses” and “In the Company of Greatness”

    . The Blue Star Transmissions ~Blue Star the Pleiadian~ “Attaining higher Levels of Consciousnesses” and “In the Company of Greatness” 12-25-14 to 2-25-2015 (Transmitted to Celestial Blue Star) Greetings and salutations to all goodhearted Souls everywhere! Now, as you ones are nearing the end of yet another PHASE of Earth Star history and histrionics while…

  • The Queue and “The Last Stand”

    Blue Star Transmissions Blue Star the Pleiadian The Queue And “The Last Stand” 10-25 to 12-25-2014 (Transmitted to Celest by Blue Star) Greetings one and all; the information I will share with you ones today is timely and vitally important to your state of wellbeing and your emotional part of Self. Now, I have told…

  • Beyond the scope of your Perception

    .   Blue Star Transmissions Blue Star the Pleiadian Beyond the scope of your Perception 8-25 to 10-25-2014 Transmitted to Celest Blue Star… Greetings to our Planetizens and Earthizens alike. I am here today to speak of many things, of many issues that most of you ones are in “unawareness” about. It is however with…

  • Special Edition – “We are calling ALL good Souls to unite with us now..” and…”While you were sleeping..”

    The Blue Star transmissions Special Edition 6-23-14 to 8-25-2014 Blue Star the Pleiadian’s June transmission also contains messages from Master Kato and the collective of Masters. Master Kato is the “spokesman” for their collective; however ALL the Masters speak with him by using their collective voice, in this manner they speak as one voice. ………………

  • Karmanistic Events and the Consequences of being Wrong

    The Blue Star Transmissions Karmanistic Events and the Consequences of being Wrong Blue Star the Pleiadian 4-25-14 to 6-25-14 (Transmitted to Celest) Greetings to all, especially to those peoples among all races here who are diligently pursuing their destinies without seeking accolades for doing so. It is indeed a rare gift you ones have –…

  • Its all ok

    The Blue Star Transmissions Its all ok Blue Star the Pleiadian 2-25-14 to 4-25-2014  (Transmitted to Celest) I send you greetings from my vantage point far beyond this world to your various vantage points wherever you are each located. Now, I feel it is imperative that you ones know that I and all my Star…

  • Attention Light Workers: “It’s NOW or Never,” and Disclosing countries’ leaders agendas

    The Blue Star Transmissions   Attention Light Workers: “It’s NOW or Never,” and Disclosing countries’ leaders agendas Blue Star the Pleiadian 12-25-13 to 2-25-2014 (Transmitted to Celest) Greetings to all Planetizens who have not lost their way. Now, to begin with, Winter Solstice was an amazing outpouring of all those among you ones who were…

  • Illusions – How they came into materialization and How they work

    The Blue Star Transmissions Illusions – How they came into materialization and How they work Blue Star the Pleiadian 10-25-13 to 12-25-13 (Transmitted to Celest) Greetings to Our Earthizen cousins and to all Planetizens on the Earth Star planet. Now, first of all I wish to thank each of you who joyfully participated in Project…