• The Nature of Things amid the Clash of the Titans And They issued The Call – The Call has been Answered

    Blue Star Transmissions ~ Blue Star the Pleiadian ~ The Nature of Things amid the Clash of the Titans And They issued The Call – The Call has been Answered 7-15 to 9-25-2022 (Transmitted to Celestial Blue Star) Good Day; may God and all the other Luminescents be with all of you Advocates for Justice.…

  • People make strange Bedfellows which causes Fatal Attractions

    The Blue Star Transmissions ~ Blue Star the Pleiadian ~ “People make strange Bedfellows which causes Fatal Attractions” 5-19 to 7-25-2022 (Transmitted to Celestial Blue Star) I send to all of you weary and worn-down fellow travelers on the Anastasis roadways my deepest desire that all things could and would be made as easy as…

  • No Boundaries and Unchartered Waters

    The Blue Star Transmissions ~ Blue Star the Pleiadian ~ No Boundaries and Unchartered Waters 3-12 to 5-25-2022 (Transmitted to Celestial Blue Star) Greetings tired Advocate Telepathists and all those others in the learning and teaching Arcs struggling to adhere to peace of mind amid the world gone mad. If I were permitted … which…

  • Unity of Purpose

    “Unity of Purpose” (This was a topic of discussion on a “VOICES of Cyclical Changes” conference call.) 12-11-2023 – NOTE: THIS IS an ongoing project and there will be more information coming.  NOTE: Please read the NEW submission that was added on 11-13-2021 and the Three FOUR  (4)  more VOICES submissions which were added to…

  • When beautiful minds have beautiful thoughts

    VOICES of Cyclical Changes One of our brightest stars who is part of VOICES of Cyclical Changes is sharing some very pertinent thoughts every person on this planet could benefit from. This is a case of the more you know the better off you are. When magnificent and accurate information is given to you for you to…

  • The Ice Mammoth Cometh And The Neverenders

    The Blue Star Transmissions ~ Blue Star the Pleiadian ~ The Ice Mammoth Cometh And The Neverenders 1-12 to 3-25-2022 (Transmitted to Celestial Blue Star) Well everyone, many of you Advocates for Justice have survived your entrée into the beginning of 2022. At least you have physically; … emotionally and mentally … not so much.…

  • The “Christmas SOUL Dance” A personal message

    The “Christmas SOUL Dance” A personal message On December 3rd, 2021 there was an unusual silence or more aptly put, an absence, a void if you will of discordant noise throughout most of that day. For on that day The Collective VOICES of All Good Souls both Earthbound and Off-World came together and rose above…

  • The Diamond that comes out of the top of a nut

    The Blue Star Transmissions ~ Blue Star the Pleiadian ~ The Diamond that comes out of the top of a nut 11-10-2021 to 1-25-2022 (Transmitted to Celestial Blue Star) Good day to all of you. I am earnestly looking forward to spending some time with you ones this day. So many of you are feeling…

  • A Christmas Soul Dance Event

    Before… ~ And After ~ “A Christmas Soul Dance” Event This is an Event that will take place on December 3rd, 2021 We are once again issuing The Call for ALL Good Souls to Unite NOW. Everyone’s participation is essential. This is a Worldwide Event. It is free and everyone can participate from the comfort…

  • Sacred Trust

    The Blue Star Transmissions began on December 12th, 1997 The Blue Star Transmissions ~ Blue Star the Pleiadian ~ Sacred Trust 9-20 to 11-25-2021 (Transmitted to Celestial Blue Star) Greetings weary journeyers; it is incredibly heartwarming for all of us to see you ones “holding on” to your sanity and your TRUTHS in spite of…

  • September 2021, some “VOICES of Cyclical Changes” teaching moments

    September 2021, some “VOICES of Cyclical Changes” teaching moments. (Note from Celest and David – as we have notes for the public we will be posting them here.) On the last call Celest spoke of “insects mutating.” Who has given this any more thought? David did mention when Celest says things offhandedly and then moves…

  • The Eclectic Nature of the merging of Higher Dimensions that are happening NOW as Anastasis welcomes them and their Cyclical Changes

    Attention: As of July 9th. this year we have some updated “Transmission” news. Due to the revelationary nature of this entire current Transmission it has been decided that this particular Blue Star communication will be extended until September 25th., 2021. When reading and re-reading this writing use due diligence in the understanding of the written…

  • The Saga continues and other Feather-Ruffling information, and The Calm before the Shift-Storm

    The Blue Star Transmissions ~ Blue Star the Pleiadian ~ “The Saga continues and other Feather-Ruffling information, and The Calm before the Shift-Storm.” 4- 19 to 6-25-2021 (Transmitted to Celestial Blue Star) I send my salutations to all True Advocates for Justice who are on-world and those off-world as well. It is good and very…

  • Innocence Lost as a new storm is abrewing amid id-Castration

    “The road most traveled” . The Blue Star Transmissions ~ Blue Star the Pleiadian ~ “Innocence Lost as a new storm is abrewing amid id-Castration” 2-20 to 4-25-2021 (Transmitted to Celestial Blue Star) Now, this important year 2021 is dedicated to Anastasis and is all about the major mission she is performing. Remember that! You…

  • The Hand of God has been set into activated motion as the hatred among humanity continues at a frenzied pace

    The Blue Star Transmissions ~ Blue Star the Pleiadian ~ “The Hand of God has been set into activated motion as the hatred among humanity continues at a frenzied pace” 12-16-2020 to 2-25-2021 (Transmitted to Celestial Blue Star) Greetings again weary warriors and Advocates; I see you have all in one manner or another been…