Category: Celestial Chronicles

  • Edition #9 – Go Gently into the Wind

    "The Celestial Chronicles" Edition #9 "Go Gently into the Wind" One of the things I relish observing is the antics people perform in their attempts to live up to another’s idea and ideals of what that individual(s) should really be like. I mean seriously now, the people in general on this planet, have given over…

  • Edition #8 – When You Can Walk On Water

    "The Celestial Chronicles" Edition #8 "When You Can Walk On Water" Of all the experiences that I cherish and relish, some stand out in my mind more so than others. A couple of years ago when I was living in Washington State, I was sitting outside and suddenly a very large bald eagle flew slowly…

  • Edition #7 – Private Wars, No Mercenaries Required

    "The Celestial Chronicles" Edition #7 "Private Wars, No Mercenaries Required" Funny thing happened on the road to personal relationships. War overcame the illusions of bliss; men and women, regardless of their sexual preferences began the ugly process of becoming combatants. Many cultures that long ago were the most heavily male dominated societies, managed to remain…

  • Edition #6 – The Casualties of Living

    "The Celestial Chronicles" Edition #6 "The Casualties of Living" I have given much thought to what topics of relevance would be the most appropriate this day. The decision I have arrived at is a direct result of the extraordinary numbers of people I know personally, who are being forced to confront unhealthy life situations created…

  • Edition #4 – The Symmetry of The Pleiadian Flag Ship Star Crystal

    "The Celestial Chronicles" Edition #4 The Symmetry of " The Pleiadian Flag Ship Star Crystal" Throughout the centuries mankind has diligently studied and experimented with many Divine Forms of energy. They have also experimented with all types of "intellectually" accepted, "theoretically correct" devices to better the environment and personal energy fields. During these same time…

  • Edition #5 – The Thin White Line

    "The Celestial Chronicles" Edition #5 "The Thin White Line" Spending time simply walking this planet is a most interesting experience. Perhaps not one that I choose to recommend for all, but I do feel that those who are oblivious to true events that transpire every day, would benefit the most since the preponderance of these…

  • Edition #3 – Dream A Little Dream

    "The Celestial Chronicles " "Edition #3" "Dream A Little Dream" Many people who contact me wonder about my life, both here and "off world." I wonder why they wonder! It is always a surprise to me, when peoples’ reactions are predicated upon fear and fear of "the unknown." Truly I do understand and empathize, to…

  • Edition #2 – The Dimensional, Omni-Dimensional, Universal and The Multidimensional I AM

    "The Celestial Chronicles " "Edition #2" "The Dimensional, Omni-Dimensional, Universal and The Multidimensional I AM" Part of the precarious situations that humans now find themselves existing in is a direct reflection of the linear distortions regarding that oft used phrase, "the child within." Far too many of human life forms dwell "without," in extreme cases…

  • Edition #1 – Spirituality 101- A Guide for Those who have Forgotten

    “The Celestial Chronicles “ Edition #1 “Spirituality 101” “A Guide for Those who have “Forgotten” “Forgotten” defined as…misplaced, temporary amnesia, left-brain vulnerability, Spiritually deprived. Throughout the Earth’s history, individuals have discovered that he or she knows very little about the true “Spiritual path.” It is a very human trait and happens quite often, that people…