Tag: Soul Cluster
The Eclectic Nature of the merging of Higher Dimensions that are happening NOW as Anastasis welcomes them and their Cyclical Changes
Attention: As of July 9th. this year we have some updated “Transmission” news. Due to the revelationary nature of this entire current Transmission it has been decided that this particular Blue Star communication will be extended until September 25th., 2021. When reading and re-reading this writing use due diligence in the understanding of the written…
And so the Quietude begins its Dance of Resurrection
The Blue Star Transmissions ~ Blue Star the Pleiadian ~ “And so the Quietude begins its Dance of Resurrection” 8-25 to 10-25-2019 (Transmitted to Celestial Blue Star) Greetings to all fellow dancers and especially to White Hats; welcome to the long ago promised “Ageless Celestial spinoff timing zone.” All of you Advocates for Justice are…
In the Ear of the Beholder
The Blue Star Transmissions ~ Blue Star the Pleiadian ~ In The Ear of the Beholder 8-25 to 10-25-2016 (Transmitted to Celestial by Blue Star) Greetings to one and all; my arrival this day was to be a synchronized event which coalesces with specific developmental procedures taking place at this time. This world here which…
The March of the Hats as they collide with the Illusionist Nemesis
The Blue Star Transmissions ~ Blue Star the Pleiadian ~ The March of the Hats as they collide with the Illusionist Nemesis 4-25 to 6-25-2016 (Transmitted to Celestial Blue Star) Greetings to ALL my Earth Star cousins; but most especially to All Advocates from all planetary systems. Now, it is in humbleness, gratitude and with…
When Prophecies collide with Illusionary Realities
The Blue Star Transmissions ~Blue Star the Pleiadian~ When Prophecies collide with Illusionary Realities (Transmitted to Celest from Blue Star) 6-25 to 8-25-2015 Greetings to all of you, especially all who are Advocates for TRUE justice. Now, it has long been held that people can make the most or the least of their KNOWN realities.…
It is a “Pot-ty world” and other 2014 topics
The Masters Message #15 It is a “Pot-ty world” and other 2014 topics January 31st, 2014 Master Kato (transmitted to Celest) Welcome to the year 2014 to all Planetizens and all our Earth cousins, asleep or awake. No one on the Earth Star planet can possibly sleep through the beginning of this volatile year; regardless…