Tag: Light Workers
Harlequin Masks
The Blue Star Transmissions ~ Blue Star the Pleiadian ~ Harlequin Masks 2-25 to 4-25-2020 (Transmitted to Celestial Blue Star) Greetings to all true Advocates for Justice! It is indeed with great pleasure and with my deepest feelings of love unfettered that I speak with you ones this day. Also, I officially welcome everyone…
Expect the unexpected all the time NOW
The Blue Star Transmissions ~ Blue Star the Pleiadian ~ Expect the unexpected all the time NOW 4-23 to 6-25-2018 (Transmitted to Celestial Blue Star) Greetings to all of you beloved Advocates for Justice; especially those among you ones who have become noticeably jittery of late. Now, I have much to share with all…
The March of the Hats as they collide with the Illusionist Nemesis
The Blue Star Transmissions ~ Blue Star the Pleiadian ~ The March of the Hats as they collide with the Illusionist Nemesis 4-25 to 6-25-2016 (Transmitted to Celestial Blue Star) Greetings to ALL my Earth Star cousins; but most especially to All Advocates from all planetary systems. Now, it is in humbleness, gratitude and with…
The Double-Edged Sword that accompanies the Gift of Life
The Blue Star Transmissions ~Blue Star the Pleiadian~ “The Double-Edged Sword that accompanies the Gift of Life” 12-25 to 2-25-2016 (Blue Star’s Christmas Gift for YOU this year is … Homework!!) (Transmitted to Celestial Blue Star) Greetings to all Advocates; especially to all Winter People among you ones. Now, as I watch over you one…
Special Edition – “We are calling ALL good Souls to unite with us now..” and…”While you were sleeping..”
The Blue Star transmissions Special Edition 6-23-14 to 8-25-2014 Blue Star the Pleiadian’s June transmission also contains messages from Master Kato and the collective of Masters. Master Kato is the “spokesman” for their collective; however ALL the Masters speak with him by using their collective voice, in this manner they speak as one voice. ………………
Climate Change and the resulting effects on Humankind
The Masters Message #16 Climate Change and the resulting effects on Humankind May 19th, 2014 (received by Celest) Master Kato … I, on behalf of the collective of Masters, send you greetings along with our deepest wishes for you all to be able to experience and rejoice in a state of peace within yourselves. In…
Attention Light Workers: “It’s NOW or Never,” and Disclosing countries’ leaders agendas
The Blue Star Transmissions Attention Light Workers: “It’s NOW or Never,” and Disclosing countries’ leaders agendas Blue Star the Pleiadian 12-25-13 to 2-25-2014 (Transmitted to Celest) Greetings to all Planetizens who have not lost their way. Now, to begin with, Winter Solstice was an amazing outpouring of all those among you ones who were…