Tag: politicians
The Ice Mammoth Cometh And The Neverenders
The Blue Star Transmissions ~ Blue Star the Pleiadian ~ The Ice Mammoth Cometh And The Neverenders 1-12 to 3-25-2022 (Transmitted to Celestial Blue Star) Well everyone, many of you Advocates for Justice have survived your entrée into the beginning of 2022. At least you have physically; … emotionally and mentally … not so much.…
It is a “Pot-ty world” and other 2014 topics
The Masters Message #15 It is a “Pot-ty world” and other 2014 topics January 31st, 2014 Master Kato (transmitted to Celest) Welcome to the year 2014 to all Planetizens and all our Earth cousins, asleep or awake. No one on the Earth Star planet can possibly sleep through the beginning of this volatile year; regardless…
Illusions – How they came into materialization and How they work
The Blue Star Transmissions Illusions – How they came into materialization and How they work Blue Star the Pleiadian 10-25-13 to 12-25-13 (Transmitted to Celest) Greetings to Our Earthizen cousins and to all Planetizens on the Earth Star planet. Now, first of all I wish to thank each of you who joyfully participated in Project…