Tag: droughts

  • Bitter Harvest

    Bitter Harvest

    Blue Star Transmissions ~ Blue Star the Pleiadian ~ Bitter Harvest 9-20 to 11-25-2022 (Transmitted to Celestial Blue Star) Salutations to all of you true Advocates for Justice; you are each coping or about to cope with an Autumn unlike one you have truly experienced before. So much is changing in every nanosecond of your…

  • Expect the unexpected all the time NOW

      The Blue Star Transmissions ~ Blue Star the Pleiadian ~ Expect the unexpected all the time NOW 4-23 to 6-25-2018 (Transmitted to Celestial Blue Star) Greetings to all of you beloved Advocates for Justice; especially those among you ones who have become noticeably jittery of late. Now, I have much to share with all…

  • It is a “Pot-ty world” and other 2014 topics

    The Masters Message #15 It is a “Pot-ty world” and other 2014 topics January 31st, 2014 Master Kato (transmitted to Celest) Welcome to the year 2014 to all Planetizens and all our Earth cousins, asleep or awake. No one on the Earth Star planet can possibly sleep through the beginning of this volatile year; regardless…