Tag: Thought
Voices of Reason and the 40 Year Arc
The Blue Star Transmissions ~ Blue Star the Pleiadian ~ ~ Voices of Reason and the 40 Year Arc ~ 2-25 to 4-25-2016 (Transmitted to Celestial Blue Star by her father Blue Star) Greetings everyone, it is time again for us to have our GATHERING as I share with you ones what the Luminescent of…
The Double-Edged Sword that accompanies the Gift of Life
The Blue Star Transmissions ~Blue Star the Pleiadian~ “The Double-Edged Sword that accompanies the Gift of Life” 12-25 to 2-25-2016 (Blue Star’s Christmas Gift for YOU this year is … Homework!!) (Transmitted to Celestial Blue Star) Greetings to all Advocates; especially to all Winter People among you ones. Now, as I watch over you one…