Tag: Telepathic communications

  • The Faces of the DECISION

    The Blue Star Transmissions ~ Blue Star the Pleiadian ~ The Faces of the DECISION 2-25 to 4-25-2018 (Transmitted to Celestial Blue Star) I send you ones greetings from myself, Hatonn, and all the rest of our Star Keeper Forces!  Now, so many of you who are the truest of the Advocates for Justice are…

  • As Heaven and Nature Sings and Worlds Collide

    The Blue Star Transmissions ~ Blue Star the Pleiadian ~  As Heaven and Nature Sings and Worlds Collide 12-22-2017 to 2-25-2018 (Transmitted to Celestial Blue Star) Greetings to all you ones; particularly to all Advocates for Justice! Now, this holiday season that heralds in the New Year of 2018, will be one that the world…