Tag: Ionosphere
Innocence Lost as a new storm is abrewing amid id-Castration
“The road most traveled” . The Blue Star Transmissions ~ Blue Star the Pleiadian ~ “Innocence Lost as a new storm is abrewing amid id-Castration” 2-20 to 4-25-2021 (Transmitted to Celestial Blue Star) Now, this important year 2021 is dedicated to Anastasis and is all about the major mission she is performing. Remember that! You…
Illusions – How they came into materialization and How they work
The Blue Star Transmissions Illusions – How they came into materialization and How they work Blue Star the Pleiadian 10-25-13 to 12-25-13 (Transmitted to Celest) Greetings to Our Earthizen cousins and to all Planetizens on the Earth Star planet. Now, first of all I wish to thank each of you who joyfully participated in Project…