Tag: Lightworkers

  • Special Edition – God is being attacked as the war against God is now fully activated

    Special Edition – God is being attacked as the war against God is now fully activated

    The Blue Star Transmissions ~ Blue Star the Pleiadian ~ 3-17-2024 “Special Edition” “God is being attacked as the war against God is now fully activated.” (Transmitted to Celestial Blue Star) Four months and two days ago Celest heard her battle cry that God sent her which meant that she needed to get people into…

  • Strengths and Weaknesses

    The Blue Star Transmissions ~Blue Star the Pleiadian~  “Strengths and Weaknesses” 4-25 to 6-25-2015 (Transmitted to Celestial Blue Star) … Greetings to all of you, I am Blue Star, I AM that I am. Now, oftentimes many discussions you ones each have with one another as well as the discussions you weave within your own…

  • Irrational Sects 10-25-12 to 12-25-12

    The Blue Star Transmissions ~Blue Star the Pleiadian~ Irrational Sects 10-25-12 to 12-25-12 Greetings Earthizens, well now, before long you will be hurtling into 2013, then what? How many of you ones will take the time today or even sometime this current year to see if you have learned anything about this year? So, there…

  • Special Edition – 2012 The Year of “Diversion and Conquer”

    Special Edition from The Masters 2012 The Year of “Diversion and Conquer” Master Kato (received by Celest) We as a collective have decided to ask Celestial to write our words for an important dissertation with you based on all that we are currently observing and hearing from all races on this planet. I had asked…