“Voices of Cyclical Changes” Conference calls with Celest and David. If you are interested in joining this Group or starting your own please send us an email and we will respond as soon as possible. Please put “Voices” in the subject box and Email information requests to us at bluestar@bluestarspeaks.com
If you wish to be put on our private email notification list to be informed when special events or other important information we need to share then please email us at earthstar@awakenedhearts.com
For our private email list to receive “book notifications” email us at earthstar@awakenedhearts.com
We would love to hear from everyone who has read “The God Books” and the “Blue Star books” to hear your responses so we may share them with others . Please post your comments on Amazon or you can email them to us.
Special Notice: On 1-31-2014, our Facebook page has been hacked, and because of the difficulties trying to reestablish our account we have decided to no longer pursue Facebook. They have asked for too much personal information, none of which they need to have. You can continue to find us on all four of our websites.
For all inquires and comments please email these to us at earthstar@awakenedhearts.com
We do not have much time these days to answer many emails, however we do love to hear from you. Salude.. Celest and David