Tempest and the Teapot #9

The Masters

Message #9

Tempest and the Teapot

Master Kato (transmitted to Celest) In our honest appraisal of all the information we choose to share with you who are the Planetizens living on the Earth Star planet, we sometimes must readjust our information-sharing. We only do so in order to spare each of you truths that we can clearly see you are not yet ready to handle. I must tell you all however that we have been busily making contact with millions of people all over this planet just as our stellar compadres are doing as well. Our Star Keeper brothers and sisters from other worlds and other Universes have been providing much speculation among all of you here. They are achieving this because they are now allowing their Star Ships to be readily seen by people in every country. The Star Ships have proven to be a main focal point, a genesis in a real sense which has rapidly been causing even some of the more hardcore skeptics to rethink their previously held absolute non-belief in the Ships’ existences. We ourselves are working with the Star Keepers aboard each Ship as well as working in a massive joint cooperative venture with the very, very many Star Keepers who are walking this world now. I am speaking of those who disembarked here in strategic points all over the world. Although I am not speaking of any of the Walk-In forces, they too communicate with us. At least the consciously aware ones do. I, as do the rest of the Masters, find it most interesting albeit a bit weird that many of the people here of all different races whom we are overseeing, do not seem to realize who we are until after we have issued our decrees to them.

On the one hand we are setting the record straight with our beloved races on this planet, yet on the other hand we must always continue to be as forthright with them as possible about the serious and sometimes deadly decisions they make personally as well as planetaryily. Of all our races here, those who are the “indigenous people” seem to still have some semblance of understanding regarding what is appropriate behavior and what is not. That is not to say that they all do; but the ones who do are beginning to more clearly have the understanding of the need for worldwide peace and the hopes for the continuity of their race. What we do at first is after very carefully scanning a race here, whoever the Master Overseer of that race is then selects those male and female people who bear the greatest attributes needed in order for them to live as humans and still live as God I Am. Because we are each mavens we have no problem in knowing who is achieving that distinction and who is not. The particular qualities needed include their ability to walk with one foot in each world in order for them to influence others of their race who are the honest ones, the ones with integrity and an open heart. We all knew long before our arrival here however that locating suitable people of each race could prove to be a bit of a daunting task. Although we have as a collective been here for a long period now, certain acts of providence, known as “the Hand of God” has been busily reawakening people of each race by whatever means necessary. Planetizens, this is a collective movement instigated by the Creator which has brought all of us together in order to work in tandem and “plow the field” for the New Earth. The Hand of God is either a singular occurrence or a set of predestined events – consider these to be written in stone, because they are.

Even God had to wait for the particular gridline intersections to materialize AND manifest before it was possible for the Hand that wears the Velvet Glove to descend and begin the unwavering movements which are to continue to follow a preset geometric pattern. This pattern has no cessation; it must remain in constant movement while decisions are made and agreed upon as to the fate of so many people here. Although you all for so many reasons were awaiting the arrival of the 2013 energetic forces here, we who remain at the helm of Star Ship Earth, have had no problem in discerning the tremendous levels of fear that has been permeating the races. Since late June of 2012 and up to the present nano-moment, millions and millions of minds have been embroiled in all the possibilities that could take place this year. The main issue which has been barely noticeable by the races however is that changes which can and WILL take place just may have far-reaching implications in how each person here comports themselves for the REST of this calendar year.  It is because the untrained human mind can not see beyond certain boundaries which have been intentionally set into place in order for many things not to be known by the unschooled, that the minds of billions of people are running amuck with uncertainty.

Those of you here on Terra who have never bothered to train your minds to see beyond what is known are losing the war within your minds. The key wording here is “never bothered.” Those who have taken the time and have the selfless desire to know DO know how to see into and beyond all boundaries. These are the people who need to relax and accept the previously unknown knowledge of what is still deemed by millions of people living practical lives, to be mysteries or delusionary thoughts. I caution you, do not fall into the abyss of the practical world. It is there in that dreary dank place, in that enormous house made of GLASS where so many of you have chosen to reside, have chosen to hide from truth. Unfortunately, for all those who engage in this dubious style of life the longer they choose to set their roots there, the less opportunity there is for them to survive. This applies to all Earth Seeds, Starseeds and Walk-Ins alike. The magnetic thrust of the barrage of positive ions which is beaming into this world does not bode well for those who are in the glasshouse.

In case you do not know what this type of ion is, I will tell you. When speaking of ions, either the positive ions or the negative ions, people tend to misunderstand the terms “positive and negative.” Each is part of the makeup of an atom; both ions in a sense orbit around an atom. Electrons produce a negative charge and protons a positive one. It is either the loss of, or the amassing of electrons, which duly determine if an atom will produce a positive ion or a negative ion. So based on that information you should understand that atoms need to have a balance with both the positive and the negative of those charges. It simply means that the gross numbers of electrons and protons start initially as equal. However, atoms can lose electrons especially with the interference from HAARP. The loss of the electrons alters the complexity of the configuration which gives the atoms much greater numbers of protons, this then creates positive ions. Contrary to the name “positive” these ions are harmful.

Some atoms lose their electrons while other atoms gain more electrons. Ions with more electrons than protons are called negative ions. This may not mean much to all of you but it should! Negative ions do have a direct link with beneficial health; the more people are exposed to the negative ions the more those ions reduce the growth of bacteria. This bacterium is now found in the air here, inside homes, businesses and of course adversely affects the physical vehicle. Conversely, the more people are exposed to the positive ions the more that health damage occurs. Although only a few of your scientists are aware of this the fact remains that heavy downpours of positive ions also contribute to damage to the brain. Therefore in a very real sense the positive ions which are running amuck on this planet are damaging all they come into contact with. The damage to the ozone and the atmospheric upheaval caused by the chemtrailing along with HAARP, ELF, WOODPECKER and others of that ilk, have been intentionally causing the disappearance of the negative ions, and thus more firmly establishing the settling-in process of the positive ions. Add to this the tremendous lack of oxygen in the air, which can also be attributed to all those aforementioned deadly impacts and you should better understand why so many billions of people here of all races suffer from more illnesses, especially pulmonary.

The glasshouse is not a symbolic gesture; it is a greater part of the reality which so many people live in. Glasshouse – transparent for the most part, can be seen through yet allows those within to see out at all times and to MONITOR the comings and goings of others. These people who reside in there have devious minds that are quite easily seen by the people on the planet who take the time to read the minds. The glasshouse does not provide any real protection for any of those who dwell there, not anymore that is. They unwittingly and many times arrogantly expose themselves for all other discerning ones to see. Planetizens, it was foreknown that when the gridline intersection of reckoning came into fruition an utterly massive storm of unheard of proportions would sweep through the glasshouse and remove the people and expose their deadly charades. The time of the tempest is at hand. This will occur physically, mentally, emotionally and PRACTICALLY. Although it was not planned by God, so many of these people will be exposed to the positive ions they covertly assisted in creating.

Part of what our Star Keeper brethren have been doing is swiftly but carefully removing as much of the positive ions as is possible to do without unbalancing the necessary atomical  structure here. It is necessary to avoid causing any ambiguities that otherwise might arise. This is very delicate work; to remove too much at any moment would upset the atomical structure, to remove too little would be of no benefit. In some cases they are able to transmute the energies by re-circulating the electron/proton energies. At other times when it is possible to do so they are working on those ions and attempting to reconfigure as many as possible. This is but one of numerous reasons you are seeing so many Star Ships in the sky now. Although the multitudinous positive ions are a major contributing factor to the tempest, it is the very nature of those who live within the glasshouse to always want more than they need and to rebuff those who are truly in need. So it is that you have the greedy ways of life combined with the insatiable lust for power unlimited which are in fact contributing to the loss of not only life here, but to the loss of innocence. Our concerns of course are first and foremost for the true human beings here. It will be while the tempest howls and roars causing cataclysms especially for the unbalanced minds that the other people here who we are protecting will be in a stable place of mind and body.

The glasshouse extends itself and is part of each person here who is the antithesis of what the true human Spirit should embody. Of course the saying “people who live in glasshouses shouldn’t throw stones” is most appropriate at this time and should inform you of what all will befall them now. The rest of humanity who have chosen their individual vessel to be a sturdy one, one that contains all their aspirations and their dreams, not fantasies, for a better tomorrow are the people who are steeping their Souls Voices in the total permeation of completion. Millions of these peoples have been doing so for a very, very long time. It does indeed require patience to do this, but patience is the key to completions. These people are not all empirical, although some of them are. And it is through the exploration of the empirical philosophy that many of them are now changing their minds about what they THOUGHT they knew. This year which will bring a new Light into this world will not be able to do so until certain human thoughts are processed and all races of people begin although it will be slowly, to turn away from the dark and look into the Light. It is most unfortunate but not unexpected that so many people are now tearing their familial units apart. There are very few members of any family of any race here that have not had visitations by us. The sad irony is that those individuals who are part of a family unit that we visit may remember this as a situation of “Master to race,” but as for sheer numbers it may only be one person in perhaps a family of six people, that we will communicate with.

The Master who is the overseer and Care Taker of the Egyptian people for instance will deal primarily with that race, regardless of how many bloodlines may now be incorporated with the Egyptian lineage. Through marriage, rape and incest all races bear many bloodlines, even though they are all loath to admit it. The people of Egypt, who bear the Egyptian lineage as their most prominent or most dominant bloodline, are then considered to be Egyptians by the Master overseeing their race. This is true of all races. So it is that as we visit with each of our own Planetizens we always seek out the ones who are holding the Light. Sometimes we find at least one person in a family who does so, sometimes we do not. But even if a person is not IN a family and lives a singular life, we are sure to check the status of them as well. We always check on young children first; especially babes. While doing so we have observed a specific occurrence taking place regarding the positive ions. The continent of North America and the Middle East are experiencing the greatest deluge. I said “the greatest” so do not in any way think that all other landmasses are not also being affected. At one time the oceans and seas provided incredible basins of negative ions which were spread through the air and the water currents. All that has changed now and the waters are all experiencing a massive loss of oxygen as well as of negative ions. Waterfalls, especially the most massive of them all, have always been able to hold the greatest numbers of the negative ions. Until the last several decades that is. That was why the spirits and minds of peoples and animals alike would always experience an exuberance and yet a lightening of their thoughts as well, while their bodies experienced great peace whenever they were near the waterfalls. That was then, this is now! Now not only are the negative ions disappearing at an alarming rate among these waterfalls, unknown to the general public the waterfalls themselves are now disappearing as well and are doing so at a shocking rate all over this world. So Planetizens do you yet see why all things can not be changed overnight? The tempest is however ensuring that all things will be made manifest and much of that new beginning will take place this year. I said, “much,” not “all.”  

The tempest is reacting to the “brewing” that has been taking place here in the hearts and minds of all races. Many of you have in one manner or another contributed to the dissolution of the human spirit. Those of you here who have intentions of being among the surviving humans of all the different races would be well-advised to start working on bringing negative ions into your homes and businesses. These ions also are known to contribute to clearer thinking. Purchase a negative ion generator. Then be sure you use it at all times. Do your research first before you order one. Have your own teapot safe and snug and wrapped in the incredible energies of the ions. You may consider your individual selves to be teapots for now. Just be careful of what you brew!  

We speak as ONE…. Salude, The Masters

The Masters / www.bluestarspeaks.com



