The Time is NOW
An Open Letter to ALL Readers
Today’s date is October 27th, Stardate 2024
Pay close attention now everybody.
If you have been following the Blue Star Transmissions as closely as most people are, then you all will know that you are in the greatest Spiritual Battle of your life. We are down to the wire now. And yes, the election process is part of the wire.
Either the Light wins the Spiritual Battle, or God will be destroyed. Yes, we have intentionally never told you this before. We have been given permission to give you this final warning. This is the most intense Spiritual battle you have ever been in although you have been trained for this for many centuries. We all either all win or we all lose. Now, you all know what we meant when we repeatedly said to you over the years that “This lifetime IS for all the marbles.” Each “marble” in this sense IS a Soul.
We have been asked to ask all of you readers and believers of the truth to join in and battle for every Souls freedom and the end of evils reign on this Earth. We are asking you to join the millions of other Souls now who are beginning to Fight, Fight, Fight using every ability they have to help God win this war. None of us will be able to survive if God loses this war.
Billions of you have already discovered that so many people that you have loved in this life and who have passed over, now feel as if they, who are these loved ones, have already returned and are there with you now. That is because they are. They have Taken a STAND and know that they can do their best by Be-ing their best. As long as you people who are living on the planet are joining in to Fight, Fight, Fight with full knowledge that you are not doing this by yourself, that WE Stand among you, WE live and die among you and WE will never, never, surrender our Souls.
For those of you who do not remember, recently the Earth has risen to higher levels of her evolution and has changed her name to “Anastasis.” Anastasis literally means “Resurrection.” Anastasis will continue to resurrect all those Good Souls who will now want to join with you and destroy evil wherever it is living on this planet. I do see that ever so many of you have been busy trying to add one and one to try to figure out what is going on here. Now you know!
And how you Fight, Fight, Fight is to simply use your innate knowledge and wisdom and destroy evil wherever you feel it lies. You are simply asked to do nothing physical that could harm you but to focus all that you have learned, all that you know is true and blast pure White Light into all the grids and to all parts of Anastasis and be content to know that you ARE winning this war. We ourselves are very grateful for the help you each can give. The VOICES of Cyclical Changes need help too. They may be well advanced, more so than you think you are, but no Soul should ever be left behind. So, in this situation, if you are Good Souls than you are equal in Soul value and you can do no wrong.
What our Celest and David have put together is the current plan that can not afford to fail. Just use whatever gifts you have, or think you have, and bombard the grid with all the Light you can. For the next three weeks the battle is going to wage with many lives being threatened but none of you will fight alone. We stand alongside each of you whether you see us or not.
Let us be clear here, we are not advocating that you cause physical harm to anybody.
Use your POWER OF MIND to destroy what must be destroyed for yourselves and for every other Soul. There is no such thing as you giving to little. Create the time you need, however long that may be, and know that every time you blast the Light into the Grid you weaken the Light that is being badly used and abused. You weaken that Light and are replacing it with much stronger Light than it has ever had before. Please remember, as Celest has taught people for years, “Light has always casts forth the shadows, but it is the shadows that define the Light.”
Now we are doing this is two ways in order to touch all Souls. This coming Friday, November 1st, at 6:00 PM in any time zone a Soul is in, every Soul is asked to blast forth and do what must be done. Although this is the kick-off at 6:00 pm U.S. central time at night, every day at 6 pm at your time it is your time to battle until you feel you have done enough. In this manner at 6 pm, in your time zone, fire away! Your help can turn the tide. And although we will be kicking it off with the VOICES of Cyclical Changes this coming Friday at 6 pm, we too will continue firing away every day at 6 PM. And every day thereafter until we feel that we have done all that we can.
No, we can not tell you how long that will take. This has never happened before in ANY phase of human evolution.
If you have any doubts, we ask you remember, “The Spiritual is and always has been stronger than anything in the physical.” But now we are working together as One Unified Pure White Light Being.
We know so many of you, who have sacrificed so much each and every lifetime you have been, are tired and may feel like you just want to go home. But we are asking you to hold on, we need you right now. There will be plenty of time to rest when this is all said and done. You are only living a physical life for a short while, you are a Soul wearing a human form temporarily, you are an eternal Soul for all time. Now it is your time to do what you promised so many, many, lifetimes ago. And that is to “Fight, Fight, Fight when we issue the call. Now, we have “Issued the Call.”
Doing this kind of Light Work can cause you to feel tired because you are using such high energy.
All right everyone, we leave you to go on your merry way and remember Fight, Fight Fight!
Salude, Blue Star, Celestial and David
Please share this information with everyone you can.
The Blue Star Transmissions – Blue Star the Pleiadian / bluestarspeaks.com
VOICES of Cyclical Changes / bluestarspeaks.com
The Song of God
“There is a Song on the Wind,
Can you hear it?
The Song is My Son/Sun,
The Song is My Wind,
The Song is MY TRUTH,
What you hear is MY SONG,
My Song IS the everlasting Love of God”
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